

Frequently Asked Questions

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Does acupuncture really work?2024-07-10T09:36:33+00:00

NICE recommends Acupuncture as only one of four evidence-based treatments for chronic primary pain. NICE also recommends Acupuncture for the prevention of tension headaches and migraines. Moreover, it is backed by more than 20,000 research studies. Used in nearly 4,000 clinical guidelines including WHO, NICE and ACP.

Does it hurt?2024-07-10T09:31:16+00:00

Many people avoid acupuncture because they think needles will hurt. Acupuncture needles are very small in diameter, approximately twice as large as the average diameter of human hair and 10 times smaller than the average diameter of a standard hypodermic needle. Most people find acupuncture calm and relaxing. Patients often describe the needle sensation as a tingling or dull ache. This is a sign that the Qi is being stimulated and released, indicating that the treatment is working. At Omnia, we also offer Electroacupuncture and Fu Needle treatments, which minimise any fear or discomfort caused by needles.

How many acupuncture sessions do I need?2024-07-10T09:28:41+00:00

Treatment frequency and the number of sessions required depend on several factors, including your constitution, mental state, the severity and duration of the health condition, lifestyle habits, and the quantity and quality of your Qi. Acupuncturists believe that health determinants are unique to each individual. Typically, some change is noticed within 5 or 6 treatments, although occasionally 1 or 2 treatments may suffice. Chronic conditions typically require more time to resolve than acute ones.

How many sessions will I need?2024-06-18T09:16:56+00:00

The number of sessions required varies depending on the condition being treated and individual response to therapy. Generally, noticeable improvements can be seen after 4-6 sessions, but a longer treatment plan may be recommended for chronic conditions.

Is Red Light Therapy safe?2024-06-18T09:17:23+00:00

Yes, Red Light Therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment. It has been extensively studied and proven to have minimal side effects. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is appropriate for your specific needs.

How long is each session?2024-06-18T09:17:33+00:00

Each session typically lasts between 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the treatment plan and area being targeted. Your practitioner will provide a more specific timeframe during your consultation.

Why do Acupuncturists recommend Herbs?2024-02-27T14:26:13+00:00

Herbs can be a powerful adjunct to Acupuncture therapy. They are used to strengthen, build and support the body or clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever or acute pain. To build up your internal strength, your Acupuncturist may suggest starting with herbs and then undergo Acupuncture for a better outcome.

Why is your pulse assessed?2024-02-27T14:25:03+00:00

There are 12 pulse positions on each wrist that the Acupuncturist will palpate. Each position corresponds to a specific meridian or organ system. An Acupuncturist observes the quality of your pulse looking for certain characteristics that reflect your overall health such as pulse rate and strength and the width of each pulse. This allows the Acupuncturist to pinpoint which imbalance is causing the symptom of the disease.

Why is your tongue assessed?2024-02-27T14:24:45+00:00

The tongue acts like a barometer, reflecting the health and well-being of your internal meridians and organs. The Acupuncturist will look at the general characteristics of the tongue such as colour, shape, cracks and coating on it to get an idea of how your body is functioning on a macro level.

How can I be assured that the therapy performed on me is safe?2024-02-22T13:29:22+00:00

Firstly, we ensure that our therapists are qualified for the job by verifying their relevant experience and qualifications. Secondly, the therapist conducts a thorough evaluation before the therapy to address any contraindications. You will be asked about allergies, medical conditions, medications, surgeries, or injuries to ensure your safety and well-being.

Can I eat or drink before a massage therapy?2024-02-22T13:29:47+00:00

It is best to avoid eating or drinking immediately before your massage session so that your stomach does not feel bloated or full. Drink plenty of water after your massage therapy.

How do I prepare for my therapy at home?2024-02-22T13:29:56+00:00

Simply ensure there is enough space for your treatment, including a bed for massage, a chair for any additional manual therapy or head, neck, and shoulder massage, and access to a handwashing facility. From there, we will take care of everything else to ensure you have a rejuvenating and comfortable experience.

Which areas do you cover?2024-02-22T13:30:10+00:00

Our clinic Omnia is based in Chiswick, so we cover a 5 miles radius around Chiswick – covering areas of Brentford, Kew, Richmond, Ealing, Turnham Green, Fulham, Teddington, Wembley, Hammersmith, Holland Park, Kensington and Westminster.

How should I book?2024-02-22T13:30:26+00:00

Simply book online using our easy booking system. After making your booking you will immediately receive a confirmation message. Your therapist will also contact you directly, if they need any more information, once they receive your booking.

What types of services are offered by Omnia Mobile services?2024-02-22T13:30:40+00:00

Omnia Mobile connects you with therapists specialising in deep tissue, full body, sports, pregnancy, prenatal and post-partum massage, along with pain relief treatments. We utilise modern technologies such as THORlaser (Photobiomodulation), Lymphapress (Compression Therapy), InBody, and more for health screening, pain relief and therapy.

Explain the quality and safety standards of Omnia Mobile service?2024-02-22T13:30:52+00:00

All our therapists are well qualified and professionally trained and have passed DBS checks. For ethical reasons our policy for home visits would be male therapist to male and female therapist to female. In a rare case of opposite sex therapist is treating it would be compulsory to have a chaperon. Both your and our therapist’s safety is the highest priority and expect that you would provide a safe working environment for our therapists.

How does Omnia Mobile vet therapists to ensure their qualifications?2024-02-22T13:31:37+00:00

We meticulously select massage therapists to join Omnia Mobile, ensuring they are fully licensed or certified in their practice area. We also verify their insurance coverage with reputable firms well-known in the industry.

How does Omnia Mobile work?2024-02-22T13:31:48+00:00

The Omnia Mobile (home visit) service allows you to conveniently book the best therapy to your home, tailored to your schedule and preferences. We match your therapy request with a vetted, certified therapist available in your area at your specified time. On your scheduled appointment day and time, your therapist will arrive at your door equipped with all necessary supplies, including fresh linens, towels, and oils, ensuring a relaxing therapy experience. Simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the convenience of professional therapy in the comfort of your own home.

Can Endermologie® be used as an alternative to liposuction?2024-02-13T17:24:07+00:00

Some women consider liposuction as the last resort to get rid of their resistant fat.
However, it has been scientifically proven that Endermologie® is able to naturally
release localised and resistant fat with the additional benefit of reshaping curves,
eliminating cellulite and firming the skin. Painless and without any side effects,
Endermologie® also stands out as the solution of choice in cases where liposuction
is not recommended (circulatory disorders, insufficient volume, etc.). However, if
liposuction is done, it is strongly recommended to combine the two techniques to
optimise results. Before the operation, the sessions prepare and soften the skin
tissue to facilitate the surgery. After the operation and if recommended by your
surgeon, they facilitate the resorption of oedemas and haematomas and effectively
improve skin quality. In any case, a comprehensive review should be carried out to
determine the best approach to adopt.

Why do I need to wear a special Endermowear™ suit?2024-02-13T17:22:39+00:00

The Endermowear™ suit is THE outfit to be worn during a Body Endermologie®
session. Strictly used for personal use, it guarantees perfect hygiene and its opaque
areas respect your privacy during the treatment. The unique composition of the
Endermowear™ suit provides excellent grab of the skin fold for an even more
effective Endermologie® session.

Can I get Endermologie® treatments while I am pregnant?2024-02-27T12:15:34+00:00

During pregnancy, the only effective treatment will be the drainage of the legs. Please consult your general
practitioner beforehand.

I have a problem with water retention. Is endermologie® an effective solution?2024-02-13T17:20:19+00:00

Yes, endermologie® treatments stimulate circulatory exchanges to eliminate excess
water while providing an immediate and lasting sensation of well-being. Over the
course of your sessions, your legs become more streamlined and regain their natural
shape while the overall quality of your skin improves.

Will the results last?2024-02-13T17:52:33+00:00

To illustrate, consider this analogy: working out for two weeks during your summer
break won’t maintain your fitness for the entire year, will it? Similarly, with
Endermologie® sessions, the focus is on initiating a sustainable cellular awakening
during the intensive phase (two sessions per week for one month). Depending on
your goals, this technique aims to target stubborn fat, diminish cellulite, contour your
body, or enhance skin firmness. Following this concentrated period, it is crucial to
regularly stimulate these cells to prevent them from reverting to inactive states.
Fortunately, just one session per month is ample to reignite cellular memory and
sustain its slimming and firming benefits. Like regular exercise, Endermologie®
becomes part of a new lifestyle routine.

Is it painful?2024-02-13T17:14:22+00:00

No, the treatment is very pleasant. The settings are customised depending on skin

How long will it take to see the first results?2024-02-13T17:13:20+00:00

From the very first sessions, your skin is brought back to life! Your skin texture is
refined and your skin more supple and radiant thanks to the reactivation of the
production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. The results then keep improving
after each session. For quicker results, sessions can be scheduled several times a
week at the beginning of the treatment (the fibroblast can be constantly stimulated).
The first month is important to trigger the process at the skin level. After that, one
session per month is enough. A beauty anti-aging lifestyle to be adopted all year

What are the contraindications of Endermologie®?2024-02-13T17:12:19+00:00

Strict contraindications to Endermologie® include:
– Cancer in progression
– Infection or skin rash
– Disease with inflammatory eruption
– Anticoagulant treatment
– Blood disease
– Herpes
– Cosmetic surgery (ask for a medical certificate)
– Injections (wait 2 weeks)
People with hypothyroidism, diabetes, or undergoing a long-term corticosteroid
treatment respond less well to our treatments. In case of doubt, please consult your
general practitioner or your attending physician.
– Organ transplants (kidney, liver, etc.)
– Kidney failure

How should I prepare for my session of manual therapy?2024-02-22T15:24:07+00:00

It is beneficial to be hydrated and avoid consuming heavy meals before a massage. Consumption of alcohol or drugs is not advised and is considered a contraindication due to the potential respiratory and cardiovascular impacts they may cause. Refrain from wearing perfume, and postpone the application of body creams until after the treatment to allow our oils to penetrate your skin and enjoy their benefits fully.

What should be the frequency of the visits?2024-02-22T15:32:16+00:00

Clients are typically seen for 30 to 60 minutes per session, one to two times per week for acute and chronic conditions, for several weeks, or every 2 to 3 weeks for “maintenance,” depending on the requirement. The effects of manual therapies are cumulative, so the more frequently you receive treatment in the short to middle term, the less you will require treatment in the future. Of course, you can have a manual therapy treatment as often as you wish.

After the massage what should I do?2024-02-13T17:00:57+00:00

After your massage your body will be in recovery mode. Drink plenty of water and
rest as much as possible. Do not do any strenuous exercise for ideally 24 hours post
treatment to allow the body to settle and to experience the most out of your session.

What are the contraindications?2024-02-22T15:35:24+00:00

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but common contraindications include:

Fever or infectious disease
Vascular conditions
Severe heart disease
Recent operations and injuries
Diabetes with vascular dysfunction
Blood disorders
Open wounds/cuts or abrasions
Contagious skin conditions

Some conditions may be localised to a specific area, so it may be possible to receive treatments in other areas. A full consultation will be completed before your first treatment, and it is your responsibility to alert the therapist to any medical conditions you may have. If you are unsure whether you may have a contraindication to massage, please consult your GP or get in touch with us.

Although many may think it would be beneficial, you should not book a massage during the acute phase of an injury – ideally, you want the initial inflammatory process to take its course before seeking treatment. Depending on the injury, we recommend waiting at least 5 days before booking your appointment. If you are unsure, please contact us.

Can I have a sports massage if I don’t do any sports?2024-02-22T15:37:07+00:00

Absolutely! Even if you do not engage in sports or exercise, your day-to-day movements can place stress and strains on your body, especially if repetitive, which can lead to ongoing issues over time. The human body was not designed for the sedentary lifestyles many of us lead today, spending hours at desk-based jobs or driving, for example. Regular sports massage can help alleviate some of these stresses and strains on your body, reducing the risk of more serious issues arising.

What is the difference between sports, remedial and deep tissue massage?2024-02-22T15:39:37+00:00

Sports Massage – can aid the recovery of soft tissues involved in repetitive
movements such as sports, prolonged postures (sitting/driving), or manual work.
Remedial Massage – is an umbrella term for many different manual therapy
techniques. It aids in the recovery of injured soft tissues or chronic pain conditions. It
also aims to discover the root cause of pain and injury to further assist in recovery.
Deep Tissue Massage – a firm massage incorporating sustained pressure and
flowing movements to get to the deeper layers of tissues to relieve muscular tension
and can also provide relaxation.
We offer all of these services. Treatments are designed for symptom relief and to
improve movement efficiency. As such, your therapist will use a variety of massage
and manipulation techniques working with the soft tissue structures of the body, to
achieve the desired outcome for each individual.

Can Vestibular First prevent falls in older adults?2023-09-07T15:09:10+00:00

Yes, Vestibular First can contribute to fall prevention in older adults by enhancing balance, coordination, and overall vestibular function. This can help reduce the risk of falls, especially in individuals with vestibular disorders or age-related balance issues.

Is Vestibular First a substitute for medical treatment?2023-09-07T15:08:38+00:00

No, Vestibular First is not a substitute for medical treatment. It is a complementary approach that works alongside medical interventions. Individuals with vestibular disorders should consult with their healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate course of action.

How long does the rehabilitation process take?2023-09-07T15:08:08+00:00

The duration of the rehabilitation process with Vestibular First varies based on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to treatment. Some people may experience improvements within a few weeks, while others might require several months of consistent effort.

Who can benefit from Vestibular First?2023-09-07T15:07:27+00:00

Vestibular First is beneficial for individuals of all ages who experience vestibular disorders or issues related to balance and coordination. Whether the condition is recent or long-standing, the program can be tailored to address various levels of impairment.

Are there any preparation steps before using the InBody BWA?2024-02-22T15:15:52+00:00

To ensure accurate measurements, it is recommended to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, avoid eating 2 hours before the test, avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before the test, and avoid strenuous exercise for 6 hours before the measurement. Wearing light clothing and removing metal objects can also improve accuracy.

Can I use the InBody BWA if I have medical implants?2024-02-22T15:14:30+00:00

If you have medical implants, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider before using the InBody BWA. Some medical implants could interfere with the electrical currents used for measurements.

How long does a typical InBody BWA measurement take?2024-02-22T15:16:44+00:00

A typical InBody BWA measurement usually takes 5-7 minutes.

Is InBody BWA useful for athletes?2024-02-22T15:15:06+00:00

Yes, the InBody BWA can be very useful for athletes to monitor their hydration levels and track changes in lean muscle mass and body fat. Maintaining proper hydration is critical for optimal athletic performance.

Can the InBody BWA help with tracking fitness progress?2024-02-22T15:18:17+00:00

Yes, the InBody BWA can help track changes in body composition and hydration levels, making it a valuable tool for individuals working on fitness goals or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

How often should I use the InBody BWA?2024-02-22T15:18:41+00:00

The frequency of using the InBody BWA depends on your goals and health status. For general monitoring, you might use it every few weeks or months. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance on the best frequency for your specific situation.

Why is Body Composition Analysis better than BMI?2024-02-22T15:21:51+00:00

You may not have heard of body composition before, but you are probably familiar with BMI. What is the difference? Body Mass Index (BMI) is a popular method used to assess the health of an individual by comparing the amount of weight they carry to their height: BMI – kg/m2

Despite BMI’s widespread use in clinical practice, it has many limitations and is a poor tracking tool for weight change because it cannot differentiate between changes in fat and muscle mass. Relying solely on BMI to predict health or mortality oversimplifies health and ignores important factors contributing to optimal well-being.

When you aim to improve your health, you likely focus on losing fat and gaining muscle. The weight scale and BMI cannot discern how much of your weight loss is fat, muscle, or body water, but body composition analysis can.

Why it is important to analyse Body Composition?2024-02-22T15:22:31+00:00

Most diet and fitness goals focus on weight loss or gain, overlooking that two people of the same sex and body weight may look completely different from each other because they have different body compositions. Measuring your body composition will tell you – your own body’s unique build and help you identify areas to work on to improve your overall health and wellness. Getting a better insight into your overall wellness starts with measuring your body composition and going beyond the number on the scale. You will know whether you need to gain more lean mass or lower body fat percentage to achieve a healthy body composition and a better level of health.

How often should I get scanned with STYKU?2024-02-22T14:42:09+00:00

The frequency of scans may vary according to individual goals and preferences. However, if you undergo scanning every few weeks or months, you will receive a clear picture of how your body composition changes over time.

Can STYKU be used for fitness progress tracking?2023-09-07T14:39:03+00:00

Absolutely. STYKU is commonly used for tracking fitness progress. Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and personal trainers often use it to monitor the effectiveness of training and nutrition programs.

Can I track changes in my body composition over time with STYKU?2023-09-07T14:38:34+00:00

Yes. STYKU is designed for tracking periodic changes in body composition. By comparing scans taken at different times, you can visualise changes in body fat, muscle mass, and other parameters.

Can I see my STYKU body scan results immediately?2023-09-07T14:38:05+00:00

Yes, once the scan is completed, the STYKU software processes the data and generates a detailed report with body measurements. You can view these results almost immediately after the scan.

How long does a typical STYKU scan take?2023-09-07T14:37:36+00:00

A STYKU scan typically takes just a few seconds to complete. The user stands in a designated area while the 3D cameras capture the necessary images.

Is the scanning process safe and non-invasive?2023-09-07T14:37:04+00:00

Yes, the STYKU scanning process is non-invasive and safe. It uses light-based technology to capture images and does not involve any harmful radiation or cause any discomfort.

Why should I use STYKU for body measurements?2023-09-07T14:36:30+00:00

STYKU provides a highly accurate and consistent way to track changes in body composition over time. It offers a comprehensive set of measurements that go beyond traditional methods like scales and callipers.

Is Pixformance interactive?2024-02-22T14:45:59+00:00

Yes, interactivity is a core feature of Pixformance. The software guides the exercises, providing real-time feedback on form, performance, and intensity. This interactive approach enhances engagement and effectiveness.

How do I track my progress with Pixformance?2023-09-07T14:34:43+00:00

Pixformance software tracks your exercise performance over time. It records data such as repetitions, exercise difficulty, and progress. You can access this data to see your improvements and set new goals.

Can I use Pixformance if I have specific fitness goals?2023-09-07T14:34:13+00:00

Absolutely. Pixformance can be customised to align with your specific fitness goals. Whether you’re aiming to build strength, improve flexibility, lose weight, or enhance overall fitness, the platform can tailor exercises accordingly.

Is Pixformance suitable for rehabilitation purposes?2024-02-22T14:48:01+00:00

Yes, qualified healthcare professionals can use Pixformance for rehabilitation purposes. The exercises’ adaptability makes it suitable for injury recovery and functional rehabilitation.

What types of exercises can I expect with Pixformance?2023-09-07T14:32:56+00:00

Pixformance offers a variety of functional exercises that focus on improving strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. These exercises often use bodyweight resistance and functional movement patterns.

Is Pixformance suitable for all fitness levels?2024-02-22T14:50:54+00:00

Yes, Pixformance caters to a wide range of fitness levels by adapting exercises and intensity according to each user’s performance and progress. This makes it suitable for everyone from beginners to advanced users.

Is the Pixformance Station designed to replace real life trainers?2023-09-07T14:31:33+00:00

Pixformance is not competing with personal trainers or therapists. Instead, it provides complementary support for personal trainers and therapists. It offers an efficient and intelligent way to train and allows to offer optimal care.

Can I track my progress over time using VedaPulse?2023-09-07T14:30:18+00:00

Yes, VedaPulse allows you to track your health progress by conducting regular assessments and comparing your reports over time. This helps you understand the effectiveness of the recommendations and lifestyle changes you’ve implemented.

Can I use VedaPulse for diagnosing medical conditions?2024-02-22T14:31:02+00:00

VedaPulse is not intended for diagnosing medical conditions. It provides insights into your health and well-being but should not replace a professional medical diagnosis. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for accurate medical assessments.

Are the VedaPulse recommendations personalised?2023-09-07T14:28:48+00:00

Yes, VedaPulse provides personalised recommendations based on your health assessment. These recommendations may include dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, and relaxation techniques tailored to your individual health profile.

Is VedaPulse suitable for everyone?2023-09-07T14:28:58+00:00

VedaPulse is generally suitable for adults seeking holistic health insights. However, individuals with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, and those with heart rhythm disorders should consult a healthcare professional before using VedaPulse.

Is Photobiomodulation covered by insurance?2024-02-22T14:54:31+00:00

Insurance coverage varies. Some medical conditions and contexts might receive coverage, but you should check with your insurance provider.

How long do the effects of Photobiomodulation last?2023-09-07T14:25:46+00:00

The duration of effects can vary based on the individual, condition treated, and maintenance. Some people experience longer-lasting results with consistent treatment.

Are there any side effects of Photobiomodulation?2023-09-07T14:25:16+00:00

Side effects are rare and generally mild. They might include temporary redness, slight discomfort, or irritation in the treated area. These effects usually subside quickly.

Is Photobiomodulation suitable for everyone?2024-02-22T15:08:12+00:00

While generally safe, Photobiomodulation may present contraindications for individuals with conditions such as claustrophobia, photosensitivity, active skin infections or cancerous lesions, photosensitive seizure, and pregnancy. We recommend consulting a healthcare professional before undergoing any treatment.

How many sessions are needed to see results?2023-09-07T14:24:08+00:00

The number of sessions required varies depending on the condition being treated and individual response. Some people might experience benefits after just a few sessions, while others might need a greater number of sessions to achieve the desired results.

How long does a Photobiomodulation session last?2023-09-07T14:23:28+00:00

Session lengths can vary based on the specific treatment and area being treated, but they typically range from a few minutes to around 20-30 minutes.

Does Photobiomodulation hurt?2023-09-07T14:22:53+00:00

Photobiomodulation is usually painless. Patients might feel a mild warmth or tingling sensation during the treatment, but it’s generally well-tolerated.

Is Photobiomodulation safe?2024-02-22T15:23:29+00:00

Yes, Photobiomodulation is considered safe when used appropriately. The light used in these treatments is non-ionising and generally doesn’t cause harm. However, it’s important to follow proper guidelines and consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

How is it different to ordinary massage?2024-02-22T14:41:43+00:00

In conventional massages, therapists usually target the muscles, often using deep massage techniques to reach the muscular layer. In contrast, lymphatic drainage massage is specifically aimed at the delicate lymphatic vessels and nodes located just beneath the skin. This approach requires only gentle pressure to encourage fluid movement. Therefore, if you’re dealing with issues such as water retention, bloating, cellulite, or poor skin tone, traditional massages may not achieve the desired results. Our state-of-the-art Body Ballancer system is designed to alleviate conditions such as water retention, bloating, cellulite, and poor skin tone.

Is the Body Ballancer machine adjustable for different pressure levels?2023-09-07T14:19:59+00:00

Yes, the pressure levels can often be adjusted to suit individual preferences and comfort levels during the session.

How should I prepare for a Body Ballancer session?2023-09-07T14:19:26+00:00

Wear comfortable clothes such as legging with socks for the lower body and a soft, long-sleeved top for the upper body. For hygiene reasons, we advise against bare skin. It is advisable to empty your bladder before and after the treatment.

Are there any contraindications for using the Body Ballancer?2023-09-07T14:18:53+00:00

While the Body Ballancer is safe for most people, individuals with certain conditions like deep vein thrombosis, severe circulatory disorders, or recent surgery might have contraindications. Consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.

How many sessions are recommended for optimal results?2024-02-22T15:08:13+00:00

The number of sessions varies based on individual goals and needs. However, it is generally recommended to undergo a series of sessions, often spanning a few weeks, to achieve the desired results.

What does a Body Ballancer session feel like?2023-09-07T14:17:44+00:00

Users often describe the sensation as a gentle, rhythmic massage. The compression cycles create a soothing and relaxing experience.

How long is a typical Body Ballancer session?2024-02-22T15:10:11+00:00

A standard session typically lasts around 30 to 50 minutes, during which the compression garments (either a jacket or pants) are worn over the targeted areas.

Is the Body Ballancer suitable for everyone?2023-11-10T18:25:44+00:00

Yes, the Body Ballancer is generally safe and suitable for most people. However, individuals with certain medical conditions or concerns should consult a healthcare provider before using it.

Should I keep oil on body for a long time?2024-02-13T17:04:53+00:00

There is no harm in keeping oil on your skin or hair for a long period of time. However, you can remove the oil immediately after the treatment. We also have a shower facility, if required.

What oils will be used?2024-02-22T12:14:32+00:00

In Ayurveda, sesame oil is considered the queen of all oils because it has active principles that produce health benefits. Cured sesame oil should be used for this purpose, as the heating converts weak antioxidants into a potent antioxidant substance known as sesamol. Moreover, medicated herbal oils are used to treat specific conditions. For example, for arthritic problems, oils containing herbs that are Vata and Kapha-pacifying and have anti-inflammatory properties will be used. For anxiety, herbs possessing adaptogenic action, such as Ashwagandha, will be used.

Should my doctor know?2024-02-22T12:16:41+00:00

If you have been prescribed medication, we recommend that you inform your GP that you are considering Ayurveda therapy. You should continue your regular medication. During the initial consultation, your Ayurveda consultant will advise you of contraindications such as high fever and severe renal and cardiac diseases. You may also be referred to your GP if the Ayurvedic physician treating you recognises a risk during your consultation or even after treatment.

How many Ayurveda sessions will I need?2024-02-22T12:21:25+00:00

Treatment frequency and the number of treatments needed depend on several factors: your constitution, mental state, the severity and duration of the health condition, and lifestyle habits. Occasionally, the pain relief can be felt immediately after treatment, but for lasting and effective results, a minimum of 4–6 treatments are recommended. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute conditions.

Does Ayurvedic medicine have side effects?2024-02-22T12:23:42+00:00

There can be a detox effect, which can take the form of mild flu-like symptoms or a rash. This is usually a normal reaction and indicates that the herbs are doing their job. Sometimes the reaction can be stronger, and usually, the practitioner makes an adjustment in the dosage. It is important to make your practitioner aware of any known allergies.

Is Acupuncture available in the NHS? Will it be covered by Private Health Insurance?2024-02-22T14:09:23+00:00

Acupuncture is sometimes available on the NHS from GP practices and physiotherapists, as well as in most pain clinics and hospices in the UK. Most acupuncture patients pay for private treatment. As the demand for complementary medicine increases, more private health insurance companies such as AVIVA and BUPA are beginning to offer coverage for acupuncture.

What does the treatment feel like?2024-02-22T14:18:26+00:00

Many people avoid acupuncture because they think needles will hurt. Acupuncture needles are very small in diameter, approximately twice as large as the average diameter of human hair and 10 times smaller than the average diameter of a standard hypodermic needle. Most people find acupuncture calm and relaxing. Patients often describe the needle sensation as a tingling or dull ache. This is a sign that the Qi is being stimulated and released, indicating that the treatment is working. At Omnia, we also offer Electroacupuncture and Fu Needle treatments, which minimise any fear or discomfort caused by needles.

Should my doctor know?2024-02-22T14:17:31+00:00

If you have been prescribed medication, we recommend that you let your GP know that you are considering acupuncture therapy. You should continue your regular medication. During the initial consultation, your acupuncturist will advise you of any contraindications, such as metal allergy, haemophilia, or if you take strong anti-coagulant medication. You may also be referred to your GP if the acupuncturist treating you recognizes any risks during your consultation or even after treatment.

How many Acupuncture sessions will I need?2024-02-22T14:16:22+00:00

Treatment frequency and the number of sessions required depend on several factors, including your constitution, mental state, the severity and duration of the health condition, lifestyle habits, and the quantity and quality of your Qi. Acupuncturists believe that health determinants are unique to each individual. Typically, some change is noticed within 5 or 6 treatments, although occasionally 1 or 2 treatments may suffice. Chronic conditions typically require more time to resolve than acute ones.

Is Acupuncture safe for children?2024-02-22T14:15:44+00:00

Yes, it is safe for children and babies. In some cases, children respond more quickly to acupuncture than adults. If your child has an aversion to needles, the practitioner may recommend Acupressure or Tui Na Massage.

Two independent surveys published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) concluded that the risk of serious adverse injury from acupuncture is less than 1 in 10,000, significantly less than most conventional treatments. The needles used are single-use, sterile, and disposable.

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